Όταν υπέφερε από αρρυθμίες χρησιμοποίησε τη μουσική για να δημιουργήσει ένα διαγνωστικό εργαλείο για προβλήματα καρδιάς (in Greek). Georgia Karkani of Marie Claire Greece interviews Elaine Chew on music-based cardiovascular therapeutics and diagnostics, and her arrhythmia music | 16 November 2023 [ Read more ][ English translation ]

Musik als Medizin für Herzkranke (in German). Johanna Kuroczik interviews Elaine Chew for the Falling Walls Special Edition of the Frankfurter Allgemeine | 16 November 2023 [ Read more ][ English translation ]

Musik ist wie Tai-Chi für das vegetative Nervensystem (in German). Claudia Wüstenhagen and Tom Kattwinkel interview Elaine Chew | 7 November 2023. Herzschlag, Atmung, Blutdruck – Musik wirkt auf unsere unbewussten Körpervorgänge. Die Mathematikerin Elaine Chew erforscht, wie Musik vor Erkrankungen schützen kann [Read more][English translation]

Harmonizing Health: Elaine Chew Explores the Music Heart Connection. Falling Walls Global Call Arts and Science Winner Interview | August 2023. As the music and heart connection captivates human experience, Elaine Chew delves into the fusion of music computing and cardiology research. Breaking barriers, her work unravels music’s impact on the heart, unveiling therapeutic potentials. By decoding music’s expressivity and its physiological effects, Chew’s interdisciplinary exploration offers insights into music’s role in cardiovascular health, heralding a new era of music therapeutics [Read more]

High blood pressure? A heart app prescribes musical therapy by Anthony King | 31 January 2023. Europe has gone from thinking music could stop plagues 400 years ago to realising it can help prevent cardiovascular disease today [Read more]

The healing power of music by Jonathan Chang, Claire Donnelly, Tim Skoog, Meghna Chakrabarti | 23 December 2022. Professor Pier Lambiase is a featured guest on this live show alongside Associate Professor Psyche Loui (and Professor Emerita Suzanne Hanser) [Listen to the interview]

Unlocking the therapeutic power of music through mathematics by Anthony Fletcher and Antoine Lheureux, part of 15 ways ERC transformed science, 10k Grantees celebration | May 2021 [Read the story | Listen to the podcast][French translation]

Klänge Fürs Herz (in German) by Julia Koch | 23 June 2020. Im Januar 2019 saß Elaine Chew am Flügel in der Londoner Kirche St Bartholomew the Great. Sie spielte Chopin, Bach, Berger und eigene Kompositionen. Im Publikum lauschten Patienten aus einer nahe gelegenen Klinik. Alle trugen einen Herzschrittmacher… [Read more][English translation]

HEART.FM, au cœur de la musicothérapie : ERC Proof of Concept d’Elaine Chew (in French) by CNRS INS2I (Institut des sciences de l’information et de leurs interactions) News | 4 June 2020. La musique adoucit les mœurs, mais elle a également des bénéfices sur la santé cardiovasculaire. Le projet HEART.FM a ainsi reçu une bourse ERC Proof of Concept afin de développer une application capable de personnaliser la musicothérapie, en fonction des signaux physiologiques des patients. [Read more][English translation]